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Do you ever long for a quiet, peaceful feeling inside when chaos is raging all around you? Would you like to change your life for the better—to be the healthy, creative, caring, inspired person you know you can be?

If you answered “yes” to these questions, take heart—you’re not alone. Did you know that studies have shown that women work an average of 1.6 hours a day more on household related tasks than men? Not to mention that many of us do this after a full eight hours of work outside the home. Women take care of children, aging parents, household chores and still have to work fulltime to take care of the bills. Is it any surprise that women report large amounts of stress in their lives?

Other factors that create stress and anxiety for women include:

* Hormonal fluctuations
* Starting new jobs
* Adjusting to life transitions, (such as marriage, having a baby, divorce, etc…)
* Moving
* Lack of sleep
What are the benefits of a consistent meditation practice?

The potential benefits of regular meditation practice are numerous.
Psychological Benefits

Meditation can:
* Decrease your stress and anxiety
* Increase your creativity and intelligence
* Reduce your depression
* Reduce your compulsive behavior
* Increase your learning ability
* Increase your reasoning abilities and memory
* Reduce your irritability and moodiness
* Increase your feelings of vitality and rejuvenation
* Increase your emotional control
* Increase your self-esteem
* Increase your alertness
* Improve your relationships
* Improve your concentration

Physiological Benefits

Meditation can:

* Help lower your blood pressure
* Prevent, slow, or control pain of chronic diseases
* Boost your immune system
* Lower your cholesterol levels
* Improve your airflow, especially if you have asthma
* Lower your "biological age"
* Promote a more restful night’s sleep
* Increase your energy levels
* Decrease your muscle tension and headaches
* Help you in healing, especially post-operative

Spiritual Benefits

There are numurous spritiual benefits to meditation as well. Many people meditate to become closer to their higher power. The longer you practice meditation, the more likely you are to find that your goals are shifting toward personal and spiritual growth. People who meditate tend to become more compassionate and accepting, and they tend to feel more connected to others and their environment.

Of course, not everyone will receive all these benefits. However, I am confident that with consistent practice meditation will change your life for the better, as it has changed mine

With all these benefits, why doesn’t everyone meditate?

Many people have tried meditation with limited success. Why? “It can be difficult,” says Steven Hendlin, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist in Irvine, California. “It may be a struggle to overcome the internal chatter that we all experience.” Many people find it difficult to sit still for any amount of time. Combine that with trying to clear the mind by struggling with unfamiliar breathing or chanting techniques! And, because a meditation program needs to be consistent to be effective, it’s not always easy to carve out the chunks of time needed.

That’s why I specifically designed this program to maximize the benefits of meditation in as little time as possible!

The beginner’s program, Meditation Moments, contains six meditations you can do in as little 10 minutes! That’s because recent research has indicated that dramatic results from meditation can occur with as little as 10 minutes of meditation a day. Think about it. Just ten minutes and you are on your way to a stress and anxiety-free life. Of course, you get out of the program what you put into it. The program is designed to gently move you into deeper states of relaxation for longer periods of time. So, after going through the beginner’s course, you may want to move on to my advanced programs for confident and experienced meditators.
How exactly does this program work?

In this program you will explore a variety of techniques for achieving meditative states of consciousness. Some of these techniques include:

* Breath work
* Heart focus
* 2 point awareness practices
* Body scan and relaxation
* Inner energy focus
* The “mystic gaze”
* Visualization exercises
* Chanting and mantra work
* Contemplative practices
* Insight meditation
* Use of affirmations

Our exploration of these techniques will allow you to discover the method that works for you! These guided meditations provide a gentle structure to refocus the wandering mind throughout the practice period. You should feel an immediate sense of relaxation and wellbeing from the very first mediation! The longer you use the Peaceful Presence program, the more you’ll begin to notice a feeling a quiet peacefulness inside, even when chaos is raging all around you!

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